Sunday, June 7, 2009

This morning the girls drew pictures and wrote about their trip to the park yesterday. Aimee drew a beautiful picture of the large octopus which has swings on its legs. She drew herself on the swing. Aimee wrote her story and then asked nana to correct the words she was unsure of.

Jess thoroughly approved of Aimee's picture but drew three swings on hers. One of the swingers is Aimee, one is Jessie and one is Nana with straight hair before she got so old. Grumps is pushing all the swingers because they are all children but when they get young to be babies again they will have to go and find a mummy and a daddy. Jess copied nana's writing onto her picture.


  1. Hi girls :)
    The octopus park sounds like heaps of fun! I really like both of your pictures and your writing too. You're very clever! Lucky that Grumps is there to push everyone at the same time! I bet he would like a cup of tea afterwards. He might be tired.

    Have you taught Nana and Grumps the hot and cold game yet?


  2. Hi girls =) what beautiful pictures you both drew of the octopus! you gave him big eyes just like he has in real life. And what great writing! You did well underlining the words you were unsure of Aimee and Jessica - I didn't know you could write that well! Great job both of you.

    What did you do today? Have you written to your school yet Aimee? you could tell them about your blog and that everyone is leaving you messages =).

    We had a great afternoon yesterday, wandering round all the very very old buildings in Utretch. We looked at some shops but didn't go into any to do any shopping yet. Then it started to rain so we went to a cafe and had a beer. The beer is very good and very cheap here - so we walked back to Marjo and Simon's place and on the way back whenever we got too we we stopped to go into a pub and have a beer while we got dry. In the last pub we had dinner as well. We didn't have any dessert tho.

    Last night we finally got to go to sleep!! it was lovely. It is a bit hard cos our nighttime is when it's your daytime so our bodies didn't want to sleep even tho it was time to go to sleep. But we lay in bed all night and managed to sleep quite a bit of it - Daddy slept lots i know cos he was snoring in my ear!!

    Today we are going into Amsterdam, which is a big city. There a lots of canals (which are like rivers) all through the city. So we will walk along beside those and watch the boats. There is also a gallery full of paintings by a very famous artist we are going to go and visit.

    Right - I am still in bed, but i think it's time for me to get up and have a shower now - I'll let Daddy have a turn on the computer. I hope you are having a good sleep and that you have a great day when you wake up.

    I love you both very much.

  3. Hi girls. Its good to see your lovely drawings. it looks like you two had lots of fun at the park.

    We had lots of fun yesterday with Simon and Marjo. We went for a walk around their home city and it was very pretty. there are lots and lots of little houses all squashed together and they don't have any garden at all in the front. They are very pretty brick houses and some of them look like they are trying to fall down because they are leaning on each other or leaning out.

    We went into a very old church that had a room inside that was bigger than our whole house. The church used to be even bigger but one day a big storm knocked down the middle part. They never built it again and so now there is a road where that part of the church was. We climbed the tower that was on the other side of the road from the church. it is 94 meters high. 460 or so stairs to the top. we could see a long way from the top! when I got to the bottom again my knees were a bit wobbly. Luckily there was a pub nearby where I could have a beer!

    It's time for me to go now too. I hope you are both being good girls for Nana and Grumps and having lots of fun. Did you get to plant any seeds yet?

