Friday, June 12, 2009

Jessica says " I hope you are having a good time at the place where you was going so that's why we were having breakfast in bed so after we did it we are going to send messages to you"

Aimee says "today we are going to the cafe with robert and jennifer and we went to the pub yesterday and i hope my cold is going tt get better soon too but i think it won't but i wish it would because i have a really bad cold and i hate it soon i just wish winter would be over and just for a question have you bought us one of our presents yet?"

Jessica I love you I already miss you I am having good time at nana and grumps we had porridge in bed.

AIMEE I opv you ari hfing A git time and I luove you too and ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
mum and dad.

(Jessica wanted to type lots and lots but ran out of things to say, Aimee decided not to edit her work this morning.)


  1. Hey darlings,

    I'm sorry about your cold aimee =(. itàs not very nice to be sick is it? Porridge in bed sounds good tho!! we know you went to the pub yesterday cos it was FRIDAY!!

    Yes we have bought one of your presents =). so far we hve brought you one9 each and another one for you to share(that one doesnàt count as one of the three tho)- so we still have to buy you two more each! Daddy and I both bought ourselves a present too.

    we are having a great time here - last night we sat on a bridge and watched the sunset . it was beautiful. and it reminded me of when we sat on the gate at nana and grumpàs place andwathìched thesunset with you .

    i hope you both have a good day and that you feel bettersoon aimee


  2. Hi girls. Thanks for wishing us a good time. Wereally are having a good time. Sitting on the bridge while the really big sun slowly sank down beneath the river we were on wasvery beautiful. I tried to take a photo but its very hard to take a photo pointed to the sun. Mummy lookedvery beautiful sittingon the bridge in that light and Igot agood photo of her =)

    Today we are going to climb another tower. This one only has about 414 stps tho. Thatmeans it will be easy!!!
    We are also going to see a famous statue called David. And some more art museums.

    We'll write again soon. I'm very glad you are being such good girls and having so much fun

    Love Daddy
