Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Nana's getting better

The girls always want to type their messages themselves but it takes them sooooooooo long. I say they have to tell me some of it first so I can type it. Aimee really does just stream it out in one continuous stream, no pauses - so that's why I type it without fullstops or commas - I have to ask her to stop so I can catch up. Jessica ALWAYS wants to say the same thing, and when they get their turn to type she wants to say the same thing AGAIN - "I hope you are having a good time where you are", so I suggest other things she might say and she says yes, say that...

Aimee says "Thank you for the postacards and the kisses and cuddles I wish the weeks were nearly over have you  bought us three presents now because if you have i would love you to tell me but you can't. And I love you so much I wish the weeks were over again - sorry for saying that again but that's all i want to say. Today i went to macdonalds for lunch and i got a toy and a strawberry shortcake diary and jess got the Guess Who game and she got a strawberry shortcake bag."

Jessica says "I hope you are having a good time at the place where you are. We went to the octopus park today and macdonalds and i had chips and hamburgers. that's all."

It seems there will be no typing by the girls today, they are too distracted by their game... Aimee was a bit weepy yesterday after your phone call, and again that afternoon. She has said a couple of time she wants to go home. But she is happy otherwise, still bright and bubbly and she enjoyed the trip to the park and the trivial pursuit game that she got at McD. We've played it twice since lunch. Jessica sat down to dinner on Monday and said "that isn't what i want for dinner!" but she ate it all and when I told grumps that she had said before she started that it wasn't what she wanted she said she wanted it again the next day. So we are having it again today, grilled steak, potatoes, yams and cooked sugar snap peas.

1 comment:

  1. oh did so,e postcqrds qrrive? cool! I am glqd you qre feeling better mum =)

    yes, jessicq often does the sq,e for us at dinner time;;;

    I am sorry thqt tqlking to us on the phone made you sad Aimee - is it better if we just write messqges on the co,puter?

    I love your plqnts!! they qre growing very well =)

    love mummy
